Welcome to CIDECT
CIDECT is dedicated to designers and architects of steel and composite structures, researchers,
students and generally interested people. CIDECT provides a broad range of technical assistance,
design examples and information for economic construction using hollow sections.
What it means
CIDECT is an abbreviation for:
Comité International pour le Développement et l´Etude de la
Construction Tubulaire
This can be translated roughly with:
Committee for International Development and Education on
Construction of Tubular structures.
CIDECT is an international association of leading manufacturers of structural hollow sections and pipes.
Main objective is to expand and summarize knowledge, by means of funding research and design guides on
structural hollow sections and promote their application in steel construction and engineering.
For your benefit, cooperation with leading scientists, researchers and practitioners provides consolidated
knowledge to stimulate the development of design codes and guidelines worldwide.
You benefit from longterm maintained contacts and exchanges between the producers of the structural
hollow sections (HSS), the steel construction companies and numerous architects and engineers throughout
the world.
CIDECT promotes structural hollow sections (HSS) usage for good engineering practice and suitable
architecture by providing information, contacts, organizing conferences etc.
1962 CIDECT was founded as non-profit association. Until today CIDECT is operated by its
only, granting that almost all funds are used for research topics.
In total more than 200 international
research projects and a range of
design guides
had been funded or co-funded. Typically published results based on CIDECT reports are widely accepted by
experts and practitioners. Finally it should be mentioned that CIDECT Design Guides have been used and
accepted worldwide and are a foundation for the majority of modern standards like e.g. ANSI/AISC or